ACT WorkKeys In the Know

Bronze Certification

National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Bronze Certified

Bronze NCRC earners have validated their essential foundational workplace skills by scoring a minimum level 3 at the bronze level on ACT’s WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents assessments. An earner may have scored higher than a level 3 on one or two of the assessments, but the NCRC level is determined by the lowest score achieved on the three assessments. The NCRC is an industry-recognized, portable, evidence-based credential. 


By earning the Bronze NCRC, the individual has demonstrated at a minimum the following skills:

Applied Math

The Applied Math assessment measure critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving techniques for situations that occur in today’s workplace. While individuals may use calculators and conversion tables to help with the problems on the assessment, math skills are still needed to think them through.
  • Characteristics of Items:
    • Translate easily from a word problem to a math equation
    • All needed information is presented in logical ordr
    • No extra information
  • Skills
    • Solve problems that require one type of mathematical operation. They add or subtract either positive or negative numbers. They multiply or divide using only positive numbers.
    • Convert a familiar fractions and convert from a decimal to a common fraction; OR convert between decimals to percentages.
    • Convert between familiar units of money and time.
    • Add the prices of several products together to find the total, and calculate the correct change for a customer.

Graphic Literacy

At Level 3, workplace graphics are common with familiar content, and are of simple or low moderate difficulty.

  • Characteristics of simple graphics include:
    • A limited amount of data (i.e., usually no more than twenty data points/fields)
    • One level of data (such as number of items in inventory)
    • One or two variables (such as day of the week and number of items in inventory)
    • If there are axes, there will be one or two (such as an x and/or y axis)
  • Characteristics of low moderate graphics include:
    • A moderate amount of data
    • Usually more than one level of data; nesting unlikely
    • Several variables
    • If there are axes, there will be one or two (such as an x and/or y axis)
    • If two simple graphics are required to solve a problem, they should be considered a low moderate graphic
  • At Level 3, employees use one simple or low moderate graphic at a time to perform the following tasks:
    • Locate information
    • Identify the next or missing step in a process

Workplace Documents

The Workplace Documents assessment measures skills that individuals use when they read real workplace documents and use that information to make job-related decisions and solve problems.  The documents include messages, emails, letters, directions, signs, bulletins, policies, websites, contracts, and regulations.

  • Characteristics of Items:
    • Reading materials include basic company policies, procedures, and announcements
    • Reading materials are short and simple, with no extra information
    • Reading materials tell readers what they should do 
    • All needed information is state clearly and directly
    • Items focus on the main points of the passages
    • Wording of the questions and answers is similar or identical to the wording used in the reading materials
  • Skills
    • Identify the main idea
    • Identify specific details
    • Choose when to perform a step in a series of shot steps
    • Apply information/instructions to a situation that is the same as the situation described in the document.



Share your achievement on social media! Especially on channels/platforms you use to communicate with employers.


Based on your skills, you can learn which employers are hiring, what job titles you might be qualified for, salary ranges, and more.


Be sure to include your badge along with your diploma, degrees, or other accomplishments.


Use your WorkKeys badges to further your education and see what career-specific training is out there.


Your badges tell employers you have the skills needed to succeed. Include your badges when applying for jobs at your current employer or prospective jobs.


Your WorkKeys accomplishment is just the beginning. Search for new career opportunities and training pathways.

Who is eligible for FREE testing?

All Recruitment Sustainment Program (RSP) soldiers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) candidates, all currently serving Army National Guard and all currently serving Airmen are eligible for FREE testing.

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