ACT Work ready community

utilize tools to drive economic growth

ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC) empower states, regions, and counties with data, processes, and tools that drive economic growth. Participants leverage the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) to measure and close the skills gap and build common frameworks that link, align, and match their workforce development efforts.

For employers

Work Ready Communities help you match employees to jobs based on verified skill levels.

for communities

When your community becomes a certified WRC, you can prove economic viability of your area to decision makers.


All participants are involved in the common community-level ACT Work Ready Community criteria as part of establishing community goals

Want to become an ACT Work Ready Community?

ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC) empower states, regions, and counties with data, processes, and tools that drive economic growth. Participants leverage the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) to measure and close the skills gap and build common frameworks that link, align, and match their workforce development efforts.

Who is eligible for FREE testing?

All Recruitment Sustainment Program (RSP) soldiers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) candidates, all currently serving Army National Guard and all currently serving Airmen are eligible for FREE testing.

Need More Information?

in partnership with,

Preparing for Success, LLC.