ACT WorkKeys In the Know

Gold Certification

National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Gold Certified

Gold NCRC earners have validated their essential foundational workplace skills by scoring a minimum level 5 at the gold level on ACT’s WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents assessments. An earner may have scored higher than a level 5 on one or two of the assessments, but the NCRC level is determined by the lowest score achieved on the three assessments.


By earning the Gold NCRC, the individual has demonstrated at a minimum the following skills:

Applied Math

The Applied Math assessment measure critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving techniques for situations that occur in today’s workplace. While individuals may use calculators and conversion tables to help with the problems on the assessment, math skills are still needed to think them through.
  • Characteristics of Items:
    • Problems require several steps of logic and calculation (e.g., problem may involve completing an order form by totaling the order and then computing tax)
  • Skills
    • Decide what information, calculations, or unit conversions to use to find the answer to a problem
    • Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
    • Convert units within or between systems of measurement where the conversion factor is given either in the problem or in the formula sheet
    • Solve problems that require mathematical operations using mixed units (such as adding 6 feet and 4 inches to 3 feet and 10 inches)
    • Identify the best deal using one or two step calculations that meet the stated conditions
    • Calculate the perimeter or circumference of a basic shape, or calculate the area of a basic shape
    • Calculate the perimeter or circumference of a basic shape, or calculate the area of a basic shape
    • Calculate a given percentage of a given number and then use that percentage to find the solution to a problem
    • Identify where a mistake occurred in a calculation

Graphic Literacy

At Level 5, workplace graphics will be of low moderate, high moderate, or difficult complexity.

  • At Level 5, employees have demonstrated all of the skills defined at Levels 3 and 4, and they can use a low and high moderate and a difficult graphic to perform the following tasks:
    • Compare two or more trends/patterns/relationships
    • Interpret a trend/pattern/relationship
    • Make a reasonable inference or decision based on one graphic after finding information in another graphic
    • Justify an inference or decision based on information
    • Identify and/or justify the most effective graphic for a task
  • High moderate graphics may be less common, the content may be less familiar, and have the following characteristics:
    • A moderate amount of data
    • More than one level of data; nesting allowed
    • Many variables (such as types of wood, drill speeds, hole diameter, and type of bit)
    • If there are axes, there will be one or two
    • If a low moderate graphic and a simple graphic or another low moderate graphic are required to solve a problem, the combination should be considered a high moderate graphic
  • Difficult graphics are likely to be less common or a composite of graphics with less familiar content, and have the following characteristics:
    • Data presented is dense
    • More than one level of data; nesting likely
    • Many variables
    • If there are axes, there may be two or more
    • If a high moderate graphic is used with either a simple, a low moderate, or a high moderate graphic to solve a problem, the combination of graphics should be considered a difficult graphic
  • At Level 5, employees have demonstrated all of the skills defined a levels 3 and 4, and they can use one high moderate graphic to perform the following tasks:
    • Locate information in a graphic using information found in another graphic
    • Compare two or more pieces of information
    • Identify a trend/pattern/relationship
    • Make an inference or decision
    • Identify the graphic that accurately represents the data

Workplace Documents

The Workplace Documents assessment measures skills that individuals use when they read real workplace documents and use that information to make job-related decisions and solve problems.  The documents include messages, emails, letters, directions, signs, bulletins, policies, websites, contracts, and regulations.

  • Characteristics of Items:
    • Reading materials include informational, instructional, policy, contracts, and legal documents
    • Longer passages that include multiple details and extraneous information
    • Documents may include unfamiliar vocabulary, professional jargon, and acronyms
    • Figure out the correct meaning of a word based on how the word is used
    • Apply technical terms and jargon and relate them to stated conditions
    • Written materials include conditionals (e.g., if-then statements)
  • Skills
    • Identify specific details
    • Infer the meaning of a word or phrase from context
    • Apply information/instructions to a new situation that is similar to the one described in the document while considering changing conditions
    • Apply information/instructions that include conditions to situations described in the document
    • Identify the appropriate meaning of an acronym, jargon, or technical term defined in the document
    • Apply technical terms and jargon to stated situations
    • Make inferences to accomplish a goal



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Be sure to include your badge along with your diploma, degrees, or other accomplishments.


Use your WorkKeys badges to further your education and see what career-specific training is out there.


Your badges tell employers you have the skills needed to succeed. Include your badges when applying for jobs at your current employer or prospective jobs.


Your WorkKeys accomplishment is just the beginning. Search for new career opportunities and training pathways.

Who is eligible for FREE testing?

All Recruitment Sustainment Program (RSP) soldiers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) candidates, all currently serving Army National Guard and all currently serving Airmen are eligible for FREE testing.

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