graphic literacy

What the WorkKeys graphic literacry Test Measures

There are five levels of difficulty. Level 3 is the least complex, and Level 7 is the most complex. The levels build on each other, each incorporating the skills assessed at the previous levels. For example, at Level 5, individuals need the skills from Levels 3, 4, and 5.


Characteristics of Items



  • Elementary workplace graphics such as simple order forms, bar graphs, tables, flowcharts, maps, instrument gauges, or floor plans
  • One graphic is used at a time
  • Find one or two pieces of information in a graphic
  • Fill in one or two pieces of information that are missing from a graphic


  • Straightforward workplace graphics such as basic order forms, diagrams, line graphs, tables, flowcharts, instrument gauges, or maps
  • One or two graphics are used at a time
  • Find several pieces of information in one or two graphics
  • Understand how graphics are related to each other
  • Summarize information from one or two straightforward graphics
  • Identify trends shown in one or two straightforward graphics
  • Compare information and trends shown in one or two straightforward graphics


  • Complicated workplace graphics, such as detailed forms, tables, graphs, diagrams, maps, or instrument gauges
  • Graphics may have less common formats
  • One or more graphics are used at a time
  • Sort through distracting information
  • Summarize information from one or more detailed graphics
  • Identify trends shown in one or more detailed or complicated graphics
  • Compare information and trends from one or more complicated graphics


  • Very complicated and detailed graphs, charts, tables, forms, maps, and diagrams
  • Graphics contain large amounts of information and may have challenging formats
  • One or more graphics are used at a time
  • Connections between graphics may be subtle
  • Draw conclusions based on one complicated graphic or several related graphics
  • Apply information from one or more complicated graphics to specific situations
  • Use the information to make decisions

Graphic Literacy Practice Quiz

1 / 4

You regularly check the pressure gauge on a large tank.

According to the gauge shown, what is the current pressure (in PSI)?

2 / 4

You must sort clothes in a dry cleaning establishment according to the customer's instructions. According to the form shown, how should this customer's shirt be treated?

3 / 4

As an airplane pilot, you need to determine the crosswind component of the wind speed to ensure safe takeoffs and landings.

According to the graph shown, if the reported wind speed is 45 knots at a 20° angle, what is the crosswind component, in knots?

4 / 4

You are a road contractor and you have analyzed a soil that you want to use for road fill. Your analysis shows that the soil contains 15% sand, 65% silt, and 20% clay. You need to know what the shrink-swell potential is for the soil because it will affect the durability of the road.

Based on the diagram and table shown, what is the shrink-swell potential at a 30-inch depth for this soil?

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Who is eligible for FREE testing?

All Recruitment Sustainment Program (RSP) soldiers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) candidates, all currently serving Army National Guard and all currently serving Airmen are eligible for FREE testing.

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